The team are on the long road home from China

It was a real mix of stages across 10 days covering over 1,000km in 40° temperatures, and finishing at the top of the spectacular Sanbai Mountain.

Over 4 million viewers watched the race every day on TV, including when Tyler Hannay crossed the line with the narrowest of margins, to win stage 6. Tyler got himself in a break with one other rider, and when the gap went out to 2 minutes, things were looking good. But when the main group finally got themselves organised, they pulled it all back over the last 20km. Tyler turned himself inside out to hold them off on the line.

This was a last minute invitation from our friends in China, that clashed with the Tour of Britain, so pulling together a team to go at such short notice was not easy. The other 24 teams started with 6 riders, but we felt confident that we could compete with 5. What we could not have foreseen was a last-minute injury and then the mother of all stomach bugs taking out our Road Captain, Harry Tanfield.on stage 2. So with 8 days left to race, we lined up on the start line with 3 riders.

To take a Stage Win, a top 10, and for all 3 riders to finish strongly was an incredible effort by the entire team, both staff andriders.

It was an incredible, character building experience for all those involved…. We made some fantastic new friends.... and we can not wait to go back in force next year.

Ricci Pascoe