Saint Piran WRT Rider Melissa Greaves is Expecting Her First Child.

We are absolutely delighted to share the news that our very own Melissa Greaves is expecting her first child. A huge congratulations from us to both Melissa and her fiancé Alastair on their very exciting news.

Melissa joined us for the 2022 season with plans to continue to build on the experience she gained the previous year, racing at regional and National level with trips also planned to Europe alongside teammates. Early in the season a call was requested and Melissa shared the news with team manager Jenny.

Team Manager, Jenny Bolsom had this to say about the news;
“As soon as we started the conversation I sensed that Melissa was quite nervous! She was sharing some really big news and having been in that same position I related immediately. By having the news shared so early on we were able to plan around Melissa’s wishes much easier, we had absolutely no intention of removing Melissa from the team but instead we’ve found alternative ways to offer support. It was fantastic that she joined us whilst we were in Scotland recently for a round of the Tour Series”

Saint Piran is frequently referred to by us as a ‘Family’ and as a family we support one another through ups and downs, through changes and this is especially important for us within our Women’s team. As women, we go through big moments in our lives and one such incredible phase is the ability to grow a little one, and develop our families. It’s life changing and everyone’s experience of it is different! There’s no rule book, and we are lucky to have personal experience within the management structure to enable us to try and offer support throughout and post pregnancy. 

“My initial response was to alleviate any of the stress or worry regarding her position within the team. We were really excited to sign Melissa and to see how her 2022 season panned out but growing her own family absolutely takes priority! We put a pause on racing, whilst reassuring her that if and when she is ready to make a return then we will do everything we can to support and enable this to happen”

Melissa had this to say;

“A change of plan for me this season. I had been so excited to be racing for Saint Piran with such a great group of women. Although I have a new focus ahead, I am so grateful for the support from the team and despite my absence from racing this year, them making me feel like part of the team still. I’ve loved watching the girls progress this season and especially look forward to cheering them on at some races”

There are many women within our sport, and at all levels, who have gone through childbirth and we feel it’s a vital stage in a woman’s life that should be celebrated, supported and enjoyed. Our bodies do incredible things and watching athletes return to training and racing with a little one in tow is inspiring! We would like to say thank you to all the women who have shared their journey with the rest of us and who offer a welcome insight into their own experiences.

We all wish Melissa, Alastair and ‘bump’ the very best over the coming months and we all look forward to meeting him or her later in the year!

Ricci Pascoe