Round 1 - Saint Piran SW Women’s Race League

It’s official, our race league has begun . . . . . and what a way to start it!

On Saturday 12th March, a total of 20 out of the 23 entrants signed on for round 1 at Westpoint, organised by our very own Lilie Sanders alongside her team at Exeter University. An incredible turnout for a South West event and even more so given the weather warnings!

For us as organisers of the league, the first race was about being there to offer support to anyone who wanted it. We were fortunate to be joined by our teams wheel sponsor, Luke at Pacenti Cycle Design, who just so happens to be a great mechanic and was on hand to assist with any last minute problems. Joining us to help with any queries were our teams DS Meg Chard and Trainee Assistant DS Carl Farrar, both of whom are learning our way of doing things and used this event as a key part of learning more about our race day set up as well as meeting riders.

The racing began with 3 separate Mens races, this gave some riders who were new to racing or new to the circuit, the opportunity to watch and begin to pick up some tips. Of the 20 entrants Saint Piran fielded 2 riders from their first team (Lilie and Jenny) and 5 riders from the Women’s Development Team (Emily, Natalie, Rachel, Laura and Amy). For some it was their first ever race and for the entire Development Team, their first race at Westpoint. The remaining riders were a combination of more experienced and new individuals and of the 20 starters, 14 had already signed up to our race league.

A massive thank you to all of those riders who have shown support for our ambitions to really drive Women’s racing forwards in the South West. Prior to the Women’s race a request was made first to the organiser and then to the Chief Commissaire for a neutralised start to the race. This was 3 laps long and requires the whole group to ride together at a reduced speed, the idea behind this was to give those newer to racing the opportunity to gain confidence on the course, it’s corners, climb etc and also to gain confidence within a group on a circuit. This is an experience that can’t be gained on the open road and so it’s a great opportunity to introduce riders to being close to others in front, behind and on both sides and potentially all at the same time! After the first three laps, the whistle blew and racing began! Saint Piran rider Jenny who was suffering with a chest infection intended only to ride the three laps but was also asked to assist with teammate Lilies plan to form a small breakaway group. So by the middle of lap 4 that had been executed and a small group managed to get away. As was expected, the remaining riders formed smaller groups and raced within these groups, developing skills such as cornering at speed, communicating with other riders and spatial awareness within a race environment. Needless to say the lovely blue skies soon disappeared and by the middle of the race it was not only windy but increasingly wet. The more experienced riders rode a very competitive race and with the lead rider coming down in the last lap it was an exciting finish! All riders returned safe, although cold and wet! Post race, a debrief was held for anyone wishing to contribute with the opportunity to ask questions and gain some feedback. We were all very impressed with the level of professionalism, eagerness to learn and the desire to race shown by all.

The league is run so that riders of all categories race together but the results are separated by rider licence category. This allows riders to watch and learn from those who have more experience whilst also competing against others of a more equal ability, thus hopefully removing the negativity often associated with newcomers struggling to progress and learn in their early stages of racing. Initial feedback suggests that this is so far proving to be successful with all riders at the debrief indicating that they had enjoyed their experience and were already looking forward to their next race.

Round 2 will be held on March 27th at Wheal Jane, Cornwall and is organised by Wheal Velocity. The Women’s race is at 14:40 and in between two separate Men’s races so again an opportunity to watch, support and pick up some tips! Wheal Jane is a very exciting circuit with a bit of everything. Approx 70 meters from the start is a right handed hairpin followed by a descent, there’s then a few fast corners, a 90 degree right hander straight into a short sharp ascent. From this you get a brief recovery on a flat section before the drag up to the finish. It’s another fairly exposed site allowing for any wind to play a factor but definitely a circuit to experience. Please get your entries in, link below and we look forward to seeing league members there! For anyone who missed their goody bag at round 1, please pop along to pick up your gifts kindly supplied by our teams sponsors.

League entry is open throughout the season, just pop along to the link below and complete a short form. Your results will be added to the league table from the day that you register.

Round 1 Results

Ricci Pascoe