Saint Piran go 1-2 with Jack Rootkin-Gray and Alex Richardson at Beautmount Trophy 2022

An incredible 1-2 finish for our riders Jack Rootkin-Gray and Alexandar Richardson at the Beaumont Trophy 2022 repeating their dominant performance from the Ryedale Grasscrete Grand Prix. A first National Road Race Series win for Jack Rootkin-Gray - resulting in him placing 1st overall in the U23 category.

Finishing the day with 1st 2nd 6th and 10th, 1st in KOM, 1st U23 overall in the National Road Series and 1st place team – a truly perfect way to round off an amazing season.

DS Steve Lampier told us, the team planned to dominate from the front which was almost prevented due to windy and blustery conditions, but the day ended in the best possible way for the team.

Steve Lampier DS ‘The plan was I wanted them to dominate the race and we aimed to get guys in the breakaway from the onset. We wanted to have two guys in the breakaway and then from there, we wanted the rest of the team to put Jack and Alex in the possible position. With one significant climb on the course, we planned to jump away to the front group and once they were there – they could do a full team lead out into the climb and then would go away and hopefully take a podium


Initially we had Cooper and Adam in the breakaway ad they breakaway was quite big and with windy and blustery conditions we almost lost control of the race a little bit. A lot of groups were going away– Jack went across to a group and Bradley Symonds was in a group. So, we had four up the road which was good and then Alex was in a third group -  he went across to the front group – which made a total of 20 riders in the front group. And then from there Jack and Alex attacked on the climb the third time up and Cooper and Adam ended up sitting in a split. Then Jack and Alex road hard and with 20km to go drooped Ross Lamb (Ribble Weldtite) and finish 1-2. Similarly to how I planned once the race started to get away from us a little bit the rider dug in deep assisted by high levels of morale and the good form the team was in they managed to turn it around. Really happy with all the lads 1st,2nd, 6th & 10th in the Race, 1st in = KOM, 1st  in u23, 1st Team – a great way to end the season!


The race winner Jack Rootkin-Gray ‘ The perfect ending to an amazing second half of the season. Cycling hasn’t always been easy over the past two years, but I finally feel like I’ve found my place and my people. Life is good, long may it continue’


Alex Richardson on Jack Rootkin-Grays performance today ‘A perfect day with a perfect team performance. An honour to see a star in the making Jack Rootkin-Gray one of a special few. Watching him find himself, his passion, his talent and his motivation is something that is a pleasure to be a part of. Saint Piran - thank you for helping him in this process and reminding him why he adores the sport. At 19 he won’t forget winning his first national race by 3 minutes in a hurry! The process we love.’


What a race! We are so proud of all the boys finishing the season on a high.

Full Results: 1st Jack Rootkin-Gray, 2nd Alexandar Richardson, 6th Cooper Sayers, 10th Adam Lewis, 24th Leon Mazzone


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