Jenson Young Storms to Victory in Yorkshire

Saint Piran’s Jenson Young stormed to victory on Sunday 16th May in the Yorkshire Test Road Race at Hade Edge.

The Regional A 2/3/4 event was a challenging two-hour race, covering multiple laps of a hilly four-mile circuit for a total distance of around 45 miles. With more than 300 feet of climbing per lap, this was no easy day in the saddle for the start list of 60 riders. However, Jenson broke clear and crossed the line a comfortable two minutes ahead of the second placed man.

 Jenson said after the race:

“After an extremely long wait to get back to road racing I finally pinned a number on. I had been looking forward to that moment for months, making me feel very nervous before the race. The course, a four-mile hilly circuit, suited me well. I made a plan and managed to stick to it perfectly, attacking on the climb with just over two laps to go. My legs felt even better than I expected they would and when I looked around I saw that nobody had come with me, so then it was all out to the finish. The time gap kept growing and reached about two minutes by the finish.

I’m extremely pleased with the result, and it gives me confidence going into the next few races.”

Well done to Jenson and we’re looking forward to more Saint Piran successes in the run-up to the big races ahead.

Ricci Pascoe