Women’s Race Skills Session with Gemma Sargent

Saint Piran Women’s race team isn’t just about race results. We are committed to, and actively engaging in, rider development and participation in our sport. We run a two-tier system within our team to encourage this, together with a natural progression route. We also encourage our First Team riders to share their knowledge and experience with individuals, clubs and teams. 

With over 15 years on the race scene, Gemma Sargent is our most experienced team member. So when Deb and Toby from Cold Dark North asked Gemma to assist with an upcoming women’s training session, it was a perfect fit!

Cold Dark North was founded in 2015 in the North West of England with the aim of promoting their beautiful area to cyclists for training and recreation. They now run events, including training sessions and races such as the National Masters (Give them a follow @colddarknorth).

Here is what Gemma had to say following Tuesday evening’s training session based at Salt Ayre:

 “I was asked by the lovely Deb John and Toby Cummins of Cold Dark North to assist with their women’s training session at Salt Ayre, so how could I refuse? Debs and I were leading the session and Toby was in charge of socials.

The main aim of the session was to encourage more strong, talented women to gain confidence to get into racing.The group was limited to 15 due to Covid restrictions and every place was taken.We started off with some introductions to Cold Dark North aand what they do, and to me and my race experience.”

 The evening consisted of various drills to help the riders gain confidence in their own ability and in riding with others including through and off, riding close to each other side by side, cornering at speed side by side, one lap race simulations in groups, sprints, a one lap group race, finishing off with Italian pursuit.

 “All in all I think the ladies had a blast & gained a lot from the session. They immediately asked when the next one was! Thanks to the women for coming to the evening and Cold Dark North for having me.’

 Sounds like a great evening was had by all, and hopefully some of the participants will feel more confident in their ability both in terms of general bike handling as well as race specific ability.

 If you, your club or team are holding similar events and would like some additional support then please do get in touch! We have riders based around the country and are happy to work alongside anyone committed to women’s cycling and to the development of riders.

 A big thanks to Cold Dark North, Gemma and also to our team partners Lapierre, Castelli, Met Helmets, v4velo, N-Fuse, Big Bobble Hats and Bike Chain Ricci.

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Ricci Pascoe