Saint Piran Women’s Race Team partners with Lapierre for 2021 

Saint Piran Women’s Race Team is delighted to announce its partnership with Lapierre for the coming season

For the 2021 season the women’s team will be riding the stunning Aircode DRS 6.0


According to Lapierre:

“With pure lines and a distinguished design, the new Aircode DRS, third evolution of the aero model in the range, marks a new page in the history of Lapierre road bikes. Designed for high speed, engineered to defy the laws of physics, the Aircode DRS is more rigid, faster, more aerodynamic and more comfortable than the earlier model. At the handlebars, Arnaud Démare became the most prolific rider in the peloton in 2020. It’s not an accident.”

Saint Piran WRT team manager/rider Jenny Bolsom says:  

“This partnership is so exciting! For us to be able to put a women’s team on such a top level bike is huge. Women’s cycling is growing and growing, there are still gaps surrounding equality yet we are very excited to be able to offer our riders such a great level of support and especially within our first year. It wouldn’t be possible without the support from not only Lapierre but also Bike Chain Ricci. The bike is absolutely stunning. Initial feedback from our riders has been really positive and we can’t wait to show them off and really put them to the test!”

Lapierre, a 75-year-old brand with a proud heritage, has never previously partnered with a UK Women’s team.

The company’s UK brand manager is keen to see the relationship progress:

“‘We are delighted to be working with the Saint Piran Women’s Team – their ethos and focus fits perfectly with our own vision and desire at Lapierre - to make a rider’s performance outstanding. At Lapierre we believe that your skill or level of ability doesn't matter - we want to help you to achieve your objectives and have the same hunger to always push your limits.”

“Saint Piran WRT’s vision is to not only race competitively across the UK and Europe but to also inspire and actively encourage women’s participation in cycling. We are pleased to be able to support them on what is going to be an exciting journey.”

Saint Piran WRT has had a great start to the season, currently leading the British Women’s Team Cup Series and with individual successes across Zwift and TT’s. The first big team event will be Round One of the British Cycling’s Women’s National RR Series - the infamous Women’s CiCLE Classic on the 27th June. Not only will this be a massive test of form for our riders, but a great opportunity to see and feel the bikes in action.

Saint Piran team owner Richard Pascoe is excited for the future and says:

 “We are delighted that such an iconic brand, normally associated with a World Tour team, has chosen the Saint Piran Women’s Team as its first sponsorship in the U.K. Lapierre is investing in a team that inspires.“

Please do pop along to any races near you - just follow our social media pages for updates on where we will be! We’re very grateful for the support and encourage you to say ‘hi’ and have a chat .

Ricci Pascoe