A Virtual Weekend with the Saint Piran Women's Race Team

Last weekend was scheduled to be a team launch/training camp for Saint Piran Women’ Race Team, to coincide with St Piran’s Day. It would be an opportunity for the whole team to meet, ride together and make further plans for the season. Sadly, Covid put paid to all that, so we looked for an alternative! Several of the team had booked a long weekend off, so we set to work developing plans for virtual team building exercises.

We began on Friday evening with a Zoom Q&A session with Saint Piran’s Steve Lampier. It was great to hear some of Steve’s history within the sport and gain some valuable tips from him. We are so incredibly lucky to have the men’s Saint Piran team to turn for advice and guidance. A massive thanks to Steve for giving up his time to chat our team.

Saturday was our main day of activities, with the morning free for everyone to complete individual training rides.

The afternoon started with a 3pm Zoom core session led by our very own Gemma. Great guidance, advice and plenty of giggles filled the 45 minutes. 

At 6:30pm we were joined by Sam Iddon from N-Fuse, one of Saint Piran’s supporters. He gave us some insight into his company and the products that are available to the team throughout the year. A great opportunity for us to learn more about training and race day nutrition and a big thanks Sam for chatting to us. We finished with a team social, including a quiz. The riders provided a fact and a fib, leaving us to guess which was true, The stories were hilarious (definitely some future talking points!) and Evie took the top spot in the quiz overall.

We ended our weekend with a social ride on Zwift on Sunday morning. A few extra people joined us, including Chris Opie from the men’s Saint Piran team. He was great at answering questions and sharing insights into the world of professional cycling. Again, big thanks to Chris for his time.

Overall a great weekend - if slightly different to our original plans! A perfect opportunity to socialise and bond as a team and also get to mix with some key individuals whose support is invaluable to our team.

Team rider Gemma Sargent said:

“Highlights for me were talking to Steve and Chris to get sound advice and tips to make 2021 a successful season as a team. The nutrition talk with Sam from N-Fuse was great and I enjoyed the team quiz - being able to socialise in these times as a team is really important.”

We’re keeping everything crossed that as restrictions are eased, we’ll be able to have a training camp and get out on our bikes together.

We have a big announcement coming later this week, so if you don’t already, give our social media pages a follow and keep your eyes peeled!

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Ricci Pascoe