Saint Piran win their first British cycling national series road race at the Ryedale Grand Prix. 

Saint Piran win their first British cycling national series road race at the Ryedale Grand Prix! 

Emily Smith our new social media intern had this take on the race on the weekend we think she had some interesting insides on how it went! 

 ‘Our team travelled to Yorkshire this weekend for the Ryedale Grasscrete Grand Prix. It was an action-packed race throughout the whole 4 hours with 160 km of racing. This is how the race unfolded with  4 laps to go Rootkin-Gray and Richardson made a move to the front forming a breakaway quartet which would remain together until the final lap. With just one lap to go this group had dismantled into 4 solo riders with Rootkin-Gray and Richardson joining back together for the last 16km – with the nearest lone chaser 1’15 minutes back. After late lap drama, a rear puncture for Rootkin-Gray, Richardson took the victory closely followed by Rootkin-Gray. It was 5th place for new signing Harry Birchill, followed by Adam Lewis in 9th, Cooper Swayers in 12th and Leon Mazzone completing the top 20. A gutsy ride out front for Richardson giving him another win this season and a second podium for Rootkin-Grays since signing for Saint Piran. A successful outing in the glorious sunshine of Ryedale’.   

Team Principal Richard Pascoe says “One sunny day doesn't make a summer but this day out in the sunshine certainly put a lot of smiles on faces as we head into the build-up for The Tour of Britain” 

Sports Director Steve Lampier – “What was great about the weekend was the instruction given to the riders about representing the team in each move in doing so it made my job easy and enabled us to play the right cards. Well done to the lads!” 

A stellar team performance this weekend with the team now turning their to racing in Belgium over the next week and after that The Tour of Britain (04/09/2022). 

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