Saint Piran - 2021 Racing Update

As all our supporters will be aware, the early season racing calendar continues to be affected by the Covid-19 situation. 

Saint Piran had hoped to kick of the season with a race in Spain this weekend, but the pandemic has effectively ruled this out. At this point, we are looking to April as the start of our campaign as a UCI Continental team but, of course, everything remains dependent on the Covid situation. 

We have also had to cancel our training camp plans as current regulations make it impossible to bring all the riders together in one place. However, all members of the team continue to train hard on an individual basis, with guidance from coaches and Saint Piran management. We feel that this is the only socially responsible course of action at this point. 

We are still optimistic that 2021 will give Saint Piran plenty of opportunities to shine on the roads of the UK and Europe and we will keep all our supporters updated on plans as they evolve. Meanwhile, we are very grateful to all our sponsors, backers and everyone who is behind our ambitions for Saint Piran for their continued support. 

Ricci Pascoe