Saint Piran Development Team goes Zwifting with Saris

During the lockdown, Saint Piran’s Development Team riders have been trying out new and different ways to train. Some have been mixing up their training and getting out on XC and MTBs to explore their local areas, while some have been spending more time on indoor trainers. This has enabled riders to take part in online races, a novelty for some of the team.

Round One of the South West Zwift League kicked off on 29th April. This weekly race series for men and women of all categories is “geared towards some social integration with riders and clubs across the region”, says organiser Charlie Revell.

With racing outdoors not an option right now, several Saint Piran Development Team members took part in the first race, and more are expected to join upcoming rounds. 

Men’s team manager Charlie McFall gave us some feedback on the first race.

“Round One of the South West Zwift League was the 3R Gotham Grind Flat Race consisting of three Laps for a total distance of 27.8km /17.4miles). 

As you’d expect on a flat course, the racing kicked off at a solid pace, with everybody staying close and not revealing much as the miles clicked by. There were a good couple of surges up the short rises and the Saint Piran riders managed to stay towards the pointy end of the race. It soon came down to a bunch sprint, with Charlie McFall in 11th and teammate Phil Collings in 31st out of 65 finishers in their category.

Congratulations to Frederik Scheske on the win and to Charlie Revel from Tor 2000 for putting it all together. Thanks to everybody who raced and added to the indoor action through these strange times. See you at the next one!”

We asked Phil why he took part in the South West Zwift series.

 “With structured training starting to become a little wearing, a Zwift racing series with local riders is a great concept and I will be aiming to be there most weeks alongside the Saint Piran team."

Another of our riders making the most of their impressive indoor set up is Becky Gribble. 

“Obviously lockdown has changed the way we are all training and motivating ourselves. I’m working through a hip injury, so while I’m training at a steady tempo for most of my rides, I am riding varying distances.

I’ve also been making the most of the generally good weather but mixing up my usual gym sessions for garden circuits and morning yoga.

I’m cycling more than ever before right now. It not only gets me out the house for my daily exercise but also presents new challenges, including online through Zwift. Until a few days ago, for example, I’d never ridden 100km on a turbo trainer. However, lockdown has given me the time to take on these challenges and to push myself in an unexpected way. After completing my first 100km Zwift ride and tackling a few races, I am looking forward to taking part in the South West Race Series.

As one of the only female Saint Piran Development riders, I can’t wait to represent the team in the series & work on my Zwift racing. In the current environment, we’re very lucky to have this platform to fuel our motivation to train and race. I am using my Saris H3, which is one of the quietest smart trainers I’ve used and also looks great and is very easy to set up.

As a team we are lucky to have Saris as one of our supporting brands and I can’t get enough of how awesome my turbo is. The trainer has enabled me to make better and more effective use of my indoor sessions and will allow me to compete in the South West race series for Saint Piran Development in the coming weeks.”

Round Two of the South West Zwift series is on Wednesday 6th May when we plan to have more Saint Piran riders taking part.

If you’re looking for a bit of a challenge and feel the need to unleash that competitive spirit, please get involved.


Ricci Pascoe